Függőségem: az utazás

Függőségem: az utazás

Lost and found ...

... kis portugál intermezzo a Délkelet-Ázsiás posztok között

2017. március 23. - wanderlust13

Többen kérdeztétek már, hogy mikor jön az új, Angkoros poszt. Jelentem készülőben van, csak egy másik projekttel foglalkoztam az utóbbi napokban, mégpedig egy pályázathoz írtam esszéket angolul. Ezek közül szeretném Veletek most megosztani az egyiket, bár az angolul nem tudók most biztos kicsit morcosak lesznek rám, mert magyar változata még nincsen, de ígérem egyszer lefordítom. :)

A sztori Portugáliában, Cascais-ban játszódik, ahol 2015 őszén voltam Réka barátnőmmel és teljesen véletlenül rábukkantunk a helyi éjszakai élet gyöngyszemére, egy kis jazz clubra, aminek egyébként a tripadvisor profilját utána én kreáltam meg, és az első értékelés is tőlem származik. :)

Egy Portugáliás poszttal amúgy abszolút készülök a közeljövőben, mert az egyik kedvenc országom volt eddig, ahol valaha megfordultam. 

Na de ... íme a történet, melynek a címe "Lost and found":

I grew up in a very musical family; my father used to have a rock band so music has played an important role my entire life. There was this one night though, where I truly regretted that I have never learned to play any instruments.

Portugal, in 2015, the annual trip with my best friend. We discovered Porto and Lisbon, instantly fell in love, and never ever wanted to leave this amazing country. Last day - how do we spend it? Spontaneously we decided to jump on a train and discover the surroundings. We saw the amazing castles of Sintra, almost got blown away by the crazy strong wind at Cabo da Roca (the westernmost point of Europe) and watched the most stunning sunset over the Atlantic from the rocks of Cascais.

Cascais – to be honest, I had never heard of it before. We just found the name funky so we got off the train on our way back to Lisbon to see what it had to offer. We spent a great few hours there and after dinner we decided to head back to Lisbon, but we got lost on the way to the railway station and missed our train. What do we do now till’ the next one departs? Okay let’s just walk around. Wait a minute, what is this sound? Is this jazz? Where is it coming from?

And suddenly there it was: in a tiny side street, in the souterrain of a building, we found the hidden nightlife treasure of the town. Worn out leather armchairs, round wooden tables, antique lamps, modern paintings, and moody lighting. Eclectic yet cozy and intimate. Passionate artists playing vibrant jazz music. And of course there was Maria, the hostess of the club, this charismatic, vivid, gorgeous middle-aged woman with the warmest smile on her face and amazing vocals as a singer.

The purpose of the place is to enable jazz loving musicians to jam and offer good entertainment for people who are eager to hear live jazz sounds. Anyone who can play an instrument or sing is more than welcome to join the other performers on stage. Everyone who is there in this unique club is living that particular moment. Everyone is completely enchanted by the atmosphere. Everyone is in harmony. Everyone is just happy.

This is how we felt as well, sitting there with a glass of good Portuguese red wine in our hands, forgetting about time to the extent that we missed four more trains. The music touched our very being. The memories of this magical night are going to be forever mine; I just wish I could have been an active part of their jam session. That would have made this special experience even more remarkable.


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